for participation in a regular General Assembly of the members of the non-profit association “BULGARIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF ICOM”


TheBoard of the NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION “BULGARIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF ICOM” Sofia, EIK: 176346664, on the basis of Art. 26 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities convenes a regular General Assembly of the members, which will be held at the address: Sofia, Ancient Cultural and Communication Complex “Serdika” under Nezavisimost Square (under dome space), hall 1, on 25.02.2025 at 2:00 PM with the following


1. Acceptance of an annual report on the activities of the Board of the Association in 2024;

Draft Decision: The General Assembly of Members approves and accepts the report on the activity in 2024, attached in the written materials for the General Assembly.

2. Acceptance of an annual financial report of the Board of the Association in 2024;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of Members adopts the annual financial report in 2024, attached in the written materials for the General Assembly.

3. Adoption of a program and basic guidelines for the activity in 2025;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of members accepts the draft program and guidelines for the activity in 2025 prepared by the Board, attached in the written materials for the General Assembly.

4. Adoption of the Association’s budget for 2025;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of members accepts the 2025 budget draft prepared by the Board, attached to the written materials for the General Assembly.

5. Adoption of changes in the Statute;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of the members adopts a decision according to the proposals of the members;

6. Admission of new members of the Association;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of the members adopts a decision according to the proposals of the members;

7. Adoption of changes in the governing bodies;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of the members adopts a decision according to the proposals of the members;

8. Adoption of a decision regarding the amount of membership fees and property contributions;

Draft decision: The General Assembly of the members adopts a decision according to the proposals of the members;

9. Miscellaneous.

All members of the Association are invited to attend in person or through a person authorised by them with a written power of attorney. Registration of members for the meeting begins at 1:45 p.m. on the day of the General Assembly. The members or their representatives certify their presence with a signature and identify themselves with the document provided for in the law certifying their right to membership. In the absence of a quorum on the basis of Art. 27 of the Law for NGO’s the meeting will be held on the same day, one hour later, at the same place and with the same agenda and can be held with however many members show up, but not less than 10% of all members of the BNC of ICOM , present in person or by proxy, provided that at least 5 (five) members of the BNC of ICOM are present in person. All necessary documents in connection with the meeting will be available to members at the address of management every business day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

I hope that you will take part in the General Assembly of the members of the Association.


Chairman of the Board of Directors of



You can find the original text of the invitation HERE.

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