ICOM France’s professional day will be held on Friday September 22 in Tours and simultaneously online.

Since the gradual end of the last health crisis, and with the reopening of our institutions, many museums professionals have noticed that, in addition to a return to pre-crisis attendance levels, there have been changes in the sociology of their audiences and in their visiting habits. At the same time, professionals are facing fundamental questions about their practices and offerings, sometimes coming up against contradictory injunctions.
Museums are demonstrating great creativity in experimenting with new ways of relating to their audiences: developing new mediation models, based on a sensitive or sensory approach; paying renewed attention to certain types of audience, leading to the implementation of dedicated offers; proposing an enhanced experience of visiting the museum, taking into account the question of well-being and thinking of the museum as a place to live; rethinking the museum’s audiences as a “community” built around the museum itself; and so on…
The aim of this one-day event is to examine the solutions already implemented, share best practices, highlight achievements and identify areas for improvement, with a particular view to establishing new operating models and providing better support for the new uses and expectations of the public.

With the participation of : Nathalie Bondil, Director, Museum and Exhibitions, Institut du Monde Arabe and ICOM France Director ; Olivia Bourrat, Director, Collections and Research, Paris Musées; Philippe Brunella, Director, Museum and Archaeology, Metz Eurometropole; Francis De Bonnaire, head of the “Sentomus” project, a European study of museum audiences; Bruno Girveau, director of the Palais des beaux-arts de Lille; Anne-Sophie Grassin, head of the public outreach team – mediation et actions culturelles at the Musée d’art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne and director of ICOM France; Valérie Guillaume, Director, Musée Carnavalet Histoire de Paris, Crypte archéologique du parvis Notre-Dame, Catacombes and ICOM France Vice-President; Hélène Jagot, Director, Musées et Château de Tours; Adrien Joly, Director, Development, Mucem; Anne Jonchery & Jasmina Stevanovic, researchers at the Department of Studies, Forecasting, Statistics and Documentation, Ministry of Culture; Yaël Kreplak, head of the university diploma “Pour l’accès à l’art et au patrimoine: tools and research”, part of the Delphine Lévy Chair, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; Mwanaima Salim, curator at the Nairobi Museum (Kenya, Gautier Verbeke, director of the mediation and public development of the musée du Louvre.

The meeting will be held simultaneously in English, French and Spanish. It is open to all ICOM members and non-member museum professionals with prior registration.

The links to follow the session on line will be send in september…

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