If you are a museum professional or your museum is an institution recognized by ICOM and you comply with the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, you can become a member of ICOM. You can join ICOM as:
- Individual member, if you are a professional or retired museum professional or if you provide services, knowledge and experience for museums as a main professional activity;
- Institutional member if you represent a museum or other institution that meets the definition of a museum;
- Student member if you are enrolled in an academic program related to museums;
- Supporting member if you or your institution provide significant assistance to ICOM both financially and otherwise, due to the interest in museums
Applicants submit (1) an application to the Chairman of the BNC of ICOM, (2) an ICOM form for individual / collective membership, (3) a professional CV in Bulgarian and English, and (4) a recommendation from a member of the BNC of ICOM. The set of four documents is sent by e-mail to the National Committee of your country of residence or, failing that, directly to the Secretariat. If you are a Bulgarian citizen, send the kit to bnc_icom@abv.bg (Bulgarian National Committee of ICOM), and your application will be considered.
Art. 9. / 1 / The criteria for membership in ICOM are listed in the statute of the organization, namely:
1. Persons holding the position of full-time or part-time museum specialists with specialized training or practical experience, as well as those working in the private sector or independent specialists practicing any of the museum professions and observing the ICOM Code of Professional Ethics;
2. Retired museum specialists;
3. Other persons who, due to their experience or professional activity and support provided to ICOM for some of its programs, or to the National Committee, may be considered worthy to be members of ICOM – up to 10% of the composition of the National Committee.
/ 2 / The candidates for members of ICOM may not carry out commercial activity in the field of cultural values - purchase or sale.
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