Slavery, colonization and their legacies at the museum What are the issues? How to talk about it? Thursday May 30, 2024 // 12:30 p.m. on Zoom

Dominique Taffin, general curator of heritage, project manager at the Ministry of Culture and former director of the Foundation for the Memory of Slavery, is our next guest on Thursday May 30 in our cycle The 52 minutes of ICOM France.

Testifying alongside him will be Krystel Gualdé, scientific director of the Nantes History Museum and Nadia Wainstain, head of the education program at the Foundation for the Memory of Slavery.

Slavery and colonization have been part of French world history since the 16th century. Their deployment had effects on representations, on social relations, on arts and culture, and their consequences are still perceptible. However, it is only recently that the world of museums has begun to address these issues.

The Foundation for the Memory of Slavery, since 2019, has been building actions and a network to support and stimulate the initiatives of heritage institutions, and share good practices responding to these issues in the field of history and heritage of slavery. ‘slavery.

The May session of “52 minutes” will be devoted to the presentation of these objectives and the concrete actions implemented over the past 4 years, based on recent achievements with which museums can associate and work in synergy.

This event is organized in partnership with the Foundation for the Memory of Slavery, as part of Time of Memories 2024.

The session will be moderated by Émilie Girard, president of ICOM France and director of the city of Strasbourg museums.


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