ICOM France

Museum & “Rurality”

Thursday 6 June 2024 – 18:00-20:30 (CEST)

Online session only

About the speakers:

Our meeting on Thursday 6 June will be headed by Annabelle Ténèze, Director of the Louvre-Lens Museum. She will be joined by :

Claire Delfosse, Professor of Geography at the University of Lyon 2
Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Professor of Anthropology at the Université Côte d’Azur, Chair of the Scientific Council of the Salagon Garden Museum
Marie Lecasseur, Head of the Conservation and Development of Heritage and Museums Department of Meuse
Elie Senguedé Ngalang, Chair of ICOM Chad
Selma Toprak-Denis, Deputy Director of Public Affairs, Head of the Cultural Mediation Department, Centre Pompidou – Paris

The question of accessibility for as many people as possible has long been an issue for museum professionals. If the question of the distribution of cultural institutions across the country and their accessibility is still a subject of debate, it is undoubtedly because it also reflects the tensions that are emerging in our societies today.
What role do museums have to play in meeting the objectives of territorial equity and cultural democratisation, and how can they contribute to ‘build society’, as close as possible to the individual?

This session will be held exclusively on the digital platform, in French, English and Spanish (with simultaneous translation).

This event is open to all

Simultaneous translation in English, French, Spanish

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82841647999?pwd=cmpaNWlYQ2t2TXF3SlFLZlozelpMZz09#success

ID : 828 4164 7999 // Code : 595698

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