ICOM Award – open for applications

This innovative initiative seeks to highlight and celebrate your innovative initiatives and exemplary practices that contribute significantly to sustainable development in the museum sector.
The ICOM Award is the first global award organised by ICOM that specifically recognises and honours sustainable development practices in the museum community. We believe in the power of museums to drive positive change and contribute significantly to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
The award aims to encourage the participation of museums in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and to shed light on the concrete actions taken in this direction. The award process aims to be a platform to communicate the different ways in which museums are working towards sustainable development.
The upcoming award ceremony will be held at the 2025 ICOM General Conference.

Who can apply?
If your museum has successfully implemented sustainable development actions and completed the project, ICOM wants to hear your opinion!

  • Proposals will be evaluated based on the impact created by the project. Initiatives must demonstrate clear results or impact.
  • ICOM is looking for a diverse range of proposals from different types of museums, addressing different challenges to sustainable development.
  • Participation is particularly encouraged from small museums, small projects and those that have gone beyond the boundaries of “standard” museum practice.

The deadline for applications is the 1st of September. The application is submitted in English, French or Spanish to the BNC of ICOM. After the deadline, all projects are reviewed by a committee. By the 15th of September, the BNC of ICOM must come up with an opinion on which projects meet the criteria and will be supported and accordingly sent to the Headquarters of ICOM.
You can find more about the award itself and the application process at the following link – https://icom.museum/en/news/icom-award-candidates-call-for-applications/

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